An Attempt
So I've been contemplating one of these for a while, since the other blog is locked and there's a nice little corner of the internet with some of my people in it. But the trouble has been that I don't have a whole lot to say. Or a whole lot of time for anything that doesn't have a specific deadline. But off-an-on seems to work for you guys, so perhaps I can swing it, too.
To have some sort of guide as per things to talk about, I figured I'd (occasionally) write about things I'm fond of. Good books, or great cds, or other neat things. So here goes nothing.
I bought a Macbook three days before I went to Austria this summer. I was hesitant at first, somewhat because of the price but mostly because of the brand. Apples have a funny reputation, in that they tend to be favored by ApplePeople.
ApplePeople have the little white sticker on their car windows. ApplePeople get excited about showing strangers their home photos. ApplePeople are more than just a bit strange, and kind of have a cult feel about the lot of them.
But then, I thought, anything that has a cult following can't be too bad. I mean, they're ApplePeople for a reason, right? Apparently so: Edwin, the white wonder of apple laptops, is amazing. He has his own Chia Pet, and a memory game, and he tells me the weather. He also connects to wireless networks without much trouble at all. I often find myself wishing I had a Mac as a desktop. You might have seen the ads with the Mac and PC guys, where the Mac guy says his powercord just pops off when needed...yeah. That's just so awesome, especially since it was the powercord that cause my last laptop to screw up. Plus, Edwin's pretty and white and lightweight, like a laptop should be.
There's a certain fear, though, of becoming an ApplePerson. Because Edwin came with an iPod, which I also am fond of. But I'm no where near putting a sticker on my car. I mean, there are little things, you know, like the lack of right clicking, that are a tad strange. Lack of Word, too, but that can be fixed. All in all, I am terribly happy with it. My Mac makes me happy. Not so much that I'm going to start worshipping fruit, but enough that I'd tell people.
And if I become an ApplePerson, it's ok. There are worse things to be, I suppose, than a fan of quality.
To have some sort of guide as per things to talk about, I figured I'd (occasionally) write about things I'm fond of. Good books, or great cds, or other neat things. So here goes nothing.
I bought a Macbook three days before I went to Austria this summer. I was hesitant at first, somewhat because of the price but mostly because of the brand. Apples have a funny reputation, in that they tend to be favored by ApplePeople.
ApplePeople have the little white sticker on their car windows. ApplePeople get excited about showing strangers their home photos. ApplePeople are more than just a bit strange, and kind of have a cult feel about the lot of them.
But then, I thought, anything that has a cult following can't be too bad. I mean, they're ApplePeople for a reason, right? Apparently so: Edwin, the white wonder of apple laptops, is amazing. He has his own Chia Pet, and a memory game, and he tells me the weather. He also connects to wireless networks without much trouble at all. I often find myself wishing I had a Mac as a desktop. You might have seen the ads with the Mac and PC guys, where the Mac guy says his powercord just pops off when needed...yeah. That's just so awesome, especially since it was the powercord that cause my last laptop to screw up. Plus, Edwin's pretty and white and lightweight, like a laptop should be.
There's a certain fear, though, of becoming an ApplePerson. Because Edwin came with an iPod, which I also am fond of. But I'm no where near putting a sticker on my car. I mean, there are little things, you know, like the lack of right clicking, that are a tad strange. Lack of Word, too, but that can be fixed. All in all, I am terribly happy with it. My Mac makes me happy. Not so much that I'm going to start worshipping fruit, but enough that I'd tell people.
And if I become an ApplePerson, it's ok. There are worse things to be, I suppose, than a fan of quality.
At 10:24 AM, October 18, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
I always use the Macs in the library because a) there's a better chance of one being free and b) they're quicker, because less people have used them and saved pointless crap on them. The only problem I really have with them (besides the right-clicking) is that when a program won't do what you tell it to, and you get all angry and scream "FINE. THEN WE'LL DO THIS THE HARD WAY, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT." and hit CTRL-ALT-DELETE as spitefully as you possibly can...nothing happens. And the computer stops taking your threats seriously, and never does what you want it to ever again.
But other than that, Macs are cool. I'm glad you like yours. I'm also glad that you named it Edwin. And most of all, I'm glad that finally you have a blog that I can read. : )
And your dad bought a carwash? Where is it? What's it called? Is it actually operating, currently? When I come home for Thanksgiving, can we go there?
I'm glad you understand the Jim Croce love, too.
Now just get on bored the Joni train, and we'll be set.
At 2:09 PM, October 19, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
If you'd like me to ask my Delta friend if she can get me another buddy pass for you, I will. Her dad flies for Delta, and if I get a buddy pass, I'll only have to pay 1/3 of what would have been a $500 flight. You should come!!
At 3:02 PM, October 19, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
--Joni's Boy
At 11:10 AM, October 21, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
I plan on heading out maybe three days after Christmas (28th), staying for five or six days (maybe seven if they want me that long), then returning between the 4th and the 6th. All depending on how long they want me. :) And I'd be happy to work with your schedule, too. I just want some E and Andrew-the-Greater time. And W, I'm sure, once I get to know him. Because I'm not exactly sure who you are but have an idea, finish this phrase:
Back and forth.
At 5:08 PM, October 21, 2006 ,
The Wayward E said...
Whatever the computer, you are definitely a cult-personality. You will join the crowd and rule them, dude.
Great that you have a blogspot now! Aren't they fun? Have you fiddled with your html yet?
ERN, YOU MUST COME FOR CHRISTMAS! (Don't tell W, but we're going to have a puppy by then!)
At 2:36 AM, October 23, 2006 ,
The Wayward E said...
Oookay, tonight (right now) I shall apply online to Petsmart. That's how you do it, right? Oh I hope they hire me...I need discounted pet supplies badly.
At 10:25 AM, October 23, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
You're going road-tripping this summer?
You have no idea how jealous I am. I wish I could quit work, too.
Actually, I were a free-lance writer, so I could get paid to take a road trip around the country.
The only thing I ask of you is this: if you make it out to Los Angeles, you have to drive by Joni Mitchell's house in Laurel Canyon (at least I think that's where she lives, now) and get a picture for me.
And if you make it up this way, I could at least road trip with you from Portland to Vancouver. (BC; not the crappy one in WA. I can roadtrip there anytime I want to.)
--A very jealous Joni's Boy
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