Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The End

It didn't occur to me that today was the last day until just a second ago. I feel like I should have something better for the last post. But I got nothin' folks. In an attempt to stop being that person who only talks about her dog, I have stopped talking.

Have you ever bought something you've wanted for a really long time and then immediately regretted it? Because I did on Wednesday. I spent way too much on things I didn't need and now I'm all stuck with them. And so excited! But also ashamed. Actually, I think a lot of my subconscious self-worth is tied to how good a deal I get on things, and while I got a good deal on these it isn't a deal at all because I didn't need them (they're notebooks, and I don't write in the notebooks I have). See how that works? But I'm still pretty stoked about getting them because I always sort of lust after them every time they come out with a new one. And I bought a subscription so now I'll get the next three new ones after this.

Anyway, that's the big turmoil in my life right now. Sucks, huh? I kind of feel like I'm retired, except I don't have any money. That and I'm still expected to go to Jenn's baby showers for the next two weekends. That's a lot of driving. For someone who is crazy. Maybe I can get by with only going to one. Anyway, life is both uneventful and ok. I can't do it forever, but it works for now.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back Home

There's nothing like being away to make you appreciate being home. More so, there's nothing like being surrounded by your family to make you appreciate living alone. It's one of those things that's cliche because it's true. Even though the drive back exhausted me to the point of only half unpacking the stuff I brought up here, I'm so pleased to be back in my house.

And that's all I've got today. Seriously, the extra hour in the car (accidents everywhere) just kind of zapped me. There's something about sitting still on an interstate that sucks the life out of you.

Ps: Eminem is not good blogging music. I don't want to turn it off because I'm enjoying it, but it's not exactly the kind of stuff that makes me want to write.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I've been toying with the idea of getting another dog so Zuki will have someone more interesting than me to play with. On one hand, I think she'd really enjoy having a playmate. And I love dogs, so I'm sure I'd enjoy having another. On the other, dogs can be a lot of work, and one is enough. I'm just glad Zookers isn't the type to run off. And if you have two dogs everything is twice as expensive. So maybe I should just get her some more toys. I don't know.

I imagine this is what good parents feel when they try to decide if they should have another baby or not. On one hand, the best gift you can give your child is a good sibling. On the other, can you make a good sibling? What if this one is rotten? What if your second child is a plague on you and your family? What if your family ends up being like certain families I know and the fourth is the only really viable child? Then you're stuck with three duds. And the non-dud will kind of hate you for your obviously contagious lameness. How do you know if you're not going to fuck this stuff up?

I think I'm good with one dog for now, but I still feel bad for My Little Sentence as she has to spend all day with me. And I don't do a lot of interesting dog stuff.

Friday, November 27, 2009


I have reached that point in NaBloPoMo where I can no longer even pretend that I have stuff to say. This is why themes are good. They give you stuff to do. Also I'm at my parents' house and it kind of kills any sort of desire to write that may be lurking in my brain. Squashed.

Actually, I watched a Good Eats episode on squash today. I think I'd already seen it, but I was too lazy to fast forward to the next episode so I watched it again. It has me in the mood for soup. And then I watched an episode on salad (not directly afterward, but the episode after the episode about squash) and now I really feel like going to the Olive Garden for soup and salad lunch.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm not feeling un-dead for eating too much, because we had lunch instead of dinner and I can never eat that much food just after I wake up. But I did watch 16 episodes of King of the Hill and now I feel all sleepy and bored. Not that it isn't a stellar show, just that I've overdosed on TV since I now live in a home with only 12 channels, 5 of which air exclusively religious-based programming.

Anyway, hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. I'm going to go find some pie.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Six Thoughts on November 25th

I didn't mind the drive to/from Alpharetta and Chattanooga before I lived in Chattanooga. Now the drive to Alpharetta seems to take forever.

I don't know how I lived here for so long without killing myself. Or drinking.

Speaking of the not-drinking, turns out my tolerance has dropped to an affordably low level after essentially not drinking for over a year. It's like being a freshman again.

Related: you cannot buy wine anywhere but a liquor store in Tennessee. Grocery stores have lost half their appeal.

How long does someone have to be in a phase before it's a personality change?

How old do you think I'll be before I can not come home for family holidays. Will I want to by then?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The weird thing about being alone--the same thing that kind of got me when I was working at that summer camp--is that I live with myself. And I know how to creep myself out for serious. I'm not sleeping with a gun under my pillow or anything but I do keep the blinds closed and I do appreciate the dog being here. I don't think I really need the fancy security system but it's nice to have some sort of plan in place if someone were to break into my house. But I don't feel unsafe here. I feel fine. More so that I used to when I lived with my parents house, since I can lock my bedroom door, but less than when I lived in the dorms because there's no way in hell you could have broken into that room undetected. But fine. Secure.

Actually, wanna hear something stupid? I slept with my front door unlocked the second night I was here. The bolt lock on the front door is reversed from the other two, so I thought it was locked. But in the morning I turned the locks to go get the mail and found myself locked in. Oops. But knowing I'd slept with the door unlocked made me feel safer, if that makes any sense. Not that I'm going to keep the doors unlocked or anything, but still. I don't live in a bad neighborhood.

But that doesn't mean that weird noises don't make me wonder if there is a serial killer in my basement. Or that I don't get kind of creeped out when the dog starts to bark at the front door. Just that those feelings don't last very long.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Youtube Again

It's been a pretty good day, despite a minor-character death in the family (M & J's dog), but not in an eventful way. Just good sushi and the brother and TV. So instead please enjoy Arthur, if you have not seen him already.

The Original

The Re-mix

The Designated Laugh-er

Bike Fail

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Goats Goats Goats

So the concert last night was predictably awesome. The Variety is a cool venue (I'd never been before) with a fair selection of seats and floorspace. Plus they check ID's at the ticket window so you don't have to wait for everyone to be carded when they open the doors.*

The first opening act was called wasn't awful, but she was just on that upper cusp of mediocre that you felt bad for her. Vocally she was great. Very solid; reminiscent of Blue-era Joni. But most of her songs came out sounding like she started to write a good song and got bored after the first verse and just went with anything that stuck. And she talked too much. Openers aren't allowed to talk that much.** I looked up her stuff on myspace and it lacks the vocal richness she had in concert, which is really disappointing.

The second opening band*** was definitely more music-oriented and kind of amazing. Sometimes I'm not into loop petals, especially when you're just using them to show off, but if you can really rock a loop petal it becomes something awesome. This dude could totally rock a loop petal. Vocally they fit kind of between Andrew Bird and the Fleet Foxes. Musically they were just intense. He even sang through his violin once, which sounds kind of gimicky to say it like that, but it was really a fantastic effect.

And then we have the Mountain Goats. They played a good mix of new stuff and older stuff (including Song for Dennis Brown which is one of my favorites) and then the customary group singing of No Children, also a favorite. There's something about standing in a room full of people, grinning ear-to-ear singing, "I hope you die, I hope we all die" that is just kind of life affirming--like you know at that moment that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. Even if the girl behind you is so drunk that she cannot keep herself upright without holding on to the stage. And we don't really need to discuss how awesome The Mountain Goats are live because it's kind of inherent in the thought. But being on a stage that was firmly cemented into the ground was cool because John Darnielle has some pretty awesome footwork. Overall, I'm really glad I didn't talk myself out of going, even if it meant posting yesterday's entry late (it seemed really silly to come home from a concert and publish an entry about how I wasn't sure about going, but it was late and I was too tired to come up with something else).

And, for the record, LittleDog did just fine by herself at night. Plus she was extra happy to see me when I got back. :)

*The way venues handle age issues is, for me, a big deal. A good venue will settle things before doors open, or at least have a few lines open for good flow. The Neighborhood Theatre in Charlotte took tickets and gave out wristbands before the show so when doors opened people could just walk right in. Classy.

**And if you're going to say, "This song is an ancient Iranian poem, but I changed it so it rhymes," you should probably keep your mouth shut.

***I say band because they go by a band name, and there are two of them. But it's really just the one guy and then a support drummer.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back and Forth

Every time I make plans like this (this being to go see The Mountain Goats) I get excited and look forward to it and then try to talk myself out of it at the last minute. Two hours is a long way to drive. I don't know all their songs* and I don't really like Atlanta and I feel bad leaving my dog outside for so long and I don't really like crowds and on and on and on. Thousands of reasons not to go. But I am going to go. Because I've never seen them live on land, and because I like their new album, and because I live alone and I need to make an effort to get out and interact with things that are not my dog. Not that my dog isn't the greatest thing ever.

So tomorrow I'll let you know how it went. It was probably fabulous.

* While this is true, don't feel as bad about it as I would if it were a different band I liked because they have a lot of albums. Sixteen studio, I think, and then at least that in EP's and then collaborations and all that. A lot of music, those Goats.

Friday, November 20, 2009


So my dog has become a different dog now that she's here. She's super protective--growls at strange people and dogs--sometimes even stands between them and me. She hates being outside, she doesn't remember all her old rules...she's still my sweet puppy, for sure, but I'm fascinated by how much she changed when we moved. It's understandable, since she's never been the only dog and she's never had to adapt to a new home before.

But it's fun having something that's genuinely relieved and excited to see you when you get back. As much as it kills me to leave her alone, it's really fun to come back and watch her prance around like my own little fan club. We had to do a practice run tonight because she'd never been outside by herself at night before, and I wanted to make sure she wouldn't freak out tomorrow when I'm gone all night at The Mountain Goats. Speaking of goats, there are some that live down the street from us. I'm sure Zuki would growl at them too.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Effective Marketing

Another youtube day today. Ryan Miller posted this on twitter today and it cracked my shit up. I've watched it on a loop all day. I already like Method, but if I didn't, this would have swayed me. It's just spectacular. Scrubby-dubby baby!

Then, I accidentally clicked on someone's username and was transported to their profile, where I found this little gem. I have yet to watch Twilight, but I still think it's awesome. I mean, seriously. They sparkle? No. No, I don't think they do.

And finally, since Andrew is finished with his sad song countdown, this is my favorite sad country song. It didn't fit in the year restrictions, but I never really watched CMT anyway. Please enjoy the complimentary Sims video.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So I've been watching Glee this season and I can say without any qualifying that it's a bad show. The writing is inconsistent, the plot lines are terrible, it's bizarrely over-dramatic and not even remotely realistic.* But there is singing and dancing, and that's really all you need to have a hit show.

It's so fun, you guys. I mean, seriously, a boy just told his girlfriend's parents that she's pregnant by singing "She's Having my Baby." No kidding. And, since it's a hideously dramatic show, that boy is not even the actual father said the pair in question never had sex. Since it has no pretenses of realism or accuracy they can do whatever they want. It's ridiculous. So funny. And the best part is hardly anything carries over to the next show, so if something you don't like happens...chances are it won't stick. It's a good time, Glee. TV so bad it's fantastic.

*No, really. What high school has a celibacy club? And what school would allow slushy fights in the halls? Maybe I just went to a weird school.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bad Romance

I first encountered Lady GaGa during my two-week pre-move stay at my house, where I had nothing but the radio to listen to in my big empty house (I forgot my iPod). The first song I heard was Paparazzi, and I wasn't impressed. Then occasionally I'd hear Just Dance, which I recognized from watching The Ellen Show too much in my year off from life, and Poker Face. Neither of those is spectacular, nether of those is awful. Just Dance is, in my mind, superior because it's not as eventually annoying as Poker Face. But then I actually moved in for real and stopped listening to the I was kind of surprised when my friend Gunkey sent me a link to this video.

The more I watch it, the more firmly I believe that it's excellent. A music video should make you like the song, and although I'm biased because I first heard the song with the video, I do think this song is good. And the's just something else. A little bit Thriller, a little bit Taken, a little bit why-the-hell-are-her-eyes-so-big. I don't like the very last scene, with the skeleton, I think it's a bit superfluous, but overall it's kind of fantastic, in both senses of the word.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I'm not one to be all self-affirming, but there's something really exciting about being able to do physical stuff. Like hanging curtains, or shelves, or making a digital tv antenna using a cable you found in your creepy basement, a nail, and a coffee can.* Dad let me borrow one of his drills and since I've had it I've been very surprised at the amount of stuff I can accomplish. Part of it is my parents have very low expectations of me, since I'm a girl (not exaggerating), and I kind of mentally assume I can't do stuff because I'm used to them saying so. And, in all fairness, I'm really horrible at getting stuff straight on the wall without a lot of measuring and some pretty serious interaction with the level. But I can do it, and the rush that comes along with it is fun.

Not to suggest that there isn't a bit of a rush in owning a house. It's just a heavier kind of feeling because I know everything that's wrong with it: the leaks, the cracks in the walls, the outlets that need adjusting, the light fixtures that need replacing. And there's a lot. I know that no house is ever perfect. But I want mine to at least be adequate.

*Seriously, it works better than the one I bought. It's magic.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Zuki came to live at the house with me today. She doesn't like the back yard so much as it means being away from me. She also doesn't like me going to the bathroom, for the same reason. Or staying. But you guys, she's so damn cute it's hard to be annoyed. She's probably going to sleep inside tonight, since she doesn't have a doghouse yet and she cries every time I leave her outside. Plus the porch isn't screened in yet so it's a little weird to just leave her where she could potentially fall off. Not that I think she would.

So I'm the crazy lady who lives alone and only talks about her dog. Nice to meet you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


There's something about being here in this house that makes me feel uninspired. Part of it is the fact that the TV is always on. Part of it is a lack of viable workspace. But part of it is just an overwhelming feeling of ennui. It's all I can do just to hammer this post out.

Fr some sort of substance, I will tell you: it's a whole lot more interesting to watch a game (of any sort) if there is a decent chance of seeing someone you know. I can watch UGA football games if I know Daniel is there because it's fun to hunt for him on the sidelines. But any other football game? Or a UGA game that Daniel isn't at? Meh. Same with baseball. I watched Braves games this summer and it was fantastic because Daniel was usually right behind home plate for the first two innings* and I was interested in the game and excited for the win...except if he wasn't there...then I lasted like a minute and a half before I switched to King of the Hill. We're watching the Georgia/Auburn game now and it's fascinating. But only because Daniel is there in his nonbiased** media shirt.

*We would occasionally call him while he was on TV so we could watch him talk to us on network TV. Easily amused, my family.

**Ok, wouldn't you call it unbiased? Isn't that the right way to say it? But no, on the press pass it's written as nonbiased. Which I mean, the shirt itself does not have a bias since it doesn't have feelings, so I see where saying unbiased is weird, but nonbiased? Isn't there a better way to say that?

Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Puppytime!

I had decided last week while my dog wasn't at my house that it was nice to have the quiet, the lack of hair everywhere, and maybe I'd wait a while to bring her up. You know? Just a week or two.

But then I got my fence today, and it was all I could do to wait for them to finish before I left. I missed that little snot. So now I'm back in Alpharetta with my mother and my LittleDog. I have no restraint.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Beautiful Launderette

Friends, we have reached the end of this heavy-breathing hoedown. Not the end of NaBloPoMo or NaBloCoMo (comments!) but the end of this particular journey. I don't know what tomorrow will be about, but I'm positive it won't be as fun as this past week. When I was looking over my scribbles of which movies I wanted to use, I was really surprised that I hadn't done this one earlier. But I'd tried to find the clip I wanted earlier and got discouraged when I couldn't find one that included everything I wanted it to, because I think part where they're undressing each other has a really sweet intimacy about it. But then here we are on the last day and I finally found my clip. Oh, the wonders of Google.

The parallel structure of this scene is obvious, and we could talk about how the way the camera cuts back into the two couples poses a question of which relationship is more appropriate (the lady in the fir coat is Nasser's mistress) (also this film came out in 1985 so the whole gay sex thing was a shock to audiences). Or we could talk about how spectacular Nasser's dialogue is (what with the deadbeat comment followed by the comment about needing to marry Omar off, also calling them buggers even though he doesn't know they're gay). Or we could talk about how I feel like I should find that champagne thing he does attractive but I really just think it's strange. But I say we don't talk about all that stuff. I say we just relax and watch the clip.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Die Blechterommel/ The Tin Drum

From French to German. From obscene to absurd. I had to work very hard to track this scene down, so I hope you appreciate it. Actually, I just kept looking in the wrong places. This is another scene where it will, I think, be obvious as to why I like it. It's just ridiculous. I mean, would you rape someone who was hiding you from certain death? I guess it depends on how long its been since you've had any.

Anyway, the actual scene starts about a minute and a half into this link. The dialogue isn't so much important as the action is. Just bizarre, this one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Going Places/Les Valseuses

The clip I am giving you is just a tease, because it's hard to find complete clips of the sex scenes in this movie and they're all in French anyway. Speaking of, I'll go ahead and translate the gist of this clip. He asks her for a favor, and the favor is for him and his friend to finger her before she leaves. She says yes, so they do, and then she asks if it's for good luck, and he says that it's good luck to touch something dirty so she gets offended.

And I know that whole thing seems weird out of context, but that's essentially her whole character is that she'll sleep with anyone, and their whole characters that they're completely sex-focused and also creepy assholes. One of the major plot points is that they can't get her to come during sex and by the end of the film she finally does (but not with either one of them). It's also worth mentioning that the French title of the film translates to "the nuts/balls/family jewels/whatever"...basically a slang word for testicles. The whole film is packed with sex scenes that are spectacularly unique and horrifically skeezy. Thus the whole film it tonight's favorite sex scene. Not favorite in that it's one of my favorite movies, because it isn't, but favorite because when I think of cinematic sex this is one of those films that has no comparison for me. It's horribly misogynistic and objectifies/victimizes women in almost every scene, but it's so unapologetic that it's kinda funny. If that makes any sense. It's like those friends you have that are jerks, but you know they're jerks so when they do jerky it's more endearing than it is annoying? I don't know. I'll give you another scene, though, since that scene was short.

In this one, Marie-Ange (Miou Miou) asks how old the girl is and she says she's 16. Then she asks if she's ever had sex before and she says no. Marie-Ange tells the guys and they agree to change that. You must keep in mind, too, that these people are strangers to that girl and her parents just kind of let her go off with them. It's a really weird scene, too, the way she lays in Marie-Ange's lap...just strange stuff. Strange movie.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Wedding Crashers

So this movie isn't entirely a winner in terms of, well, anything, but it does have several fantastic sexually-related moments, one of which is our subject today. The thing I like the most* is the desperate look on Vince Vaughn's face when he starts rattling off the bullshit about wanting to learn about her personality first. Also when she calls his penis her little friend. The crazy is very well-written and well acted, which is more than I can say for the rest of the movie.

That scene is not really the one I wanted to show you. It's this one, which is more of a pre-curser to a sex scene than anything, but there are boobs which kind of qualifies it. I consider the dick-grabbing in the first one to qualify it. I make the rules. The only other thing this movie has going for it is that Christopher Walken's in it, and he amuses the crap out of me. I don't like SNL very often, but there is a census worker sketch he did that is the funniest thing I've ever seen come out of that show. Even better than Dick in a Box. But anyway, if you haven't seen the movie, I've just shown you all the good parts so you can put those two hours of your life toward better movies.

*That's not true. The thing I like the most about that scene is when she says she's not wearing panties because it makes me think of the documentary Sherman's March from Ross McElwee. I tried to find the right clip, because the way he says it is just delightful, but instead I will just have to give you the quote: "It’s three in the morning, and I can’t sleep. I keep wondering how I should’ve responded to Pat’s comment about not wearing any underpants. I mean, that’s not like telling someone that you’re not wearing any socks."

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Intermission...or something like that.

We're going to take a brief detour from sex scenes so you can all watch this video. Because it's kind of hilarious. Like something out of Family Guy, except it's on the news.

I mean, there are a lot of ways to end it all. You could take a whole bottle of pills. You know, you could go get in a car chase and run out and act like you're gonna shoot somebody and then a cop would kill you. Right? Or you could could just...really, eat one of those.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


I'll admit, this is kind of an easy-target for this theme. But sometimes things are obvious choices because they're good. And you guys know I'm easily amused, right? Well, one of the things that amuses me greatly is when our on-screen protagonists come in their pants. Yeah, I know, right? But I can't help it. It was, for a while, one of the reasons I thought Glee might be a good show. But they've kind of quit doing it (the coming in his pants thing) after the first few episodes. It's not a very consistent show. But anyway, when it happens, it's hilarious. I've been trying to find a clip but it's all music videos about how the belong together. Fangirls.

But Secretary, ok, this movie starts slow but finishes strong. And weird! First time I've ever seen someone wet themselves in a wedding dress. Also, again with the sex and story combination: this scene is a major movie happening, not just good times in a suit. As always it's well acted. It kind of speaks for itself, especially in the lack of actual sex. Which of course, there is plenty of at the end of the movie. Including one with her tied to a tree that always comes to mind when people mention being uncomfortable with sex, even if that isn't what they meant at all. I assume you've all seen the film? It's kind of a classic.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

It is with great apologies that I announce that there is no clip for today. The internet has failed me. Well, not totally. Because in trying to find this clip I found a description on a site called that apparently outlines all the questionable stuff in movies so you can decide if you want your precious muffins to be tainted by its content. They captured the scene I was looking for in perfect detail: A young man is shown in a bathtub nude to the waist masturbating, and a transsexual woman takes over (we see his gratified face and hear the water splashing rhythmically). That's the scene, yes? Yes.

Again, I think what I like about that scene is self-explanatory. Actually, what I like about the movie is probably self-explanatory. Just the bathtub and the fact that he's jerking off with the door open and his face and Hedwig and the fact that she's babysitting and she just lays the baby on the floor* and throws her card in the tub afterward. Perfect. Just amazing.

To make up for the lack of proper clippage, please enjoy the story of how Hedwig met Luther.

* They do this in The Sims (2) and it always freaks me out. Why did you lay the baby on the floor? And I know there's nothing inherently wrong with laying babies on the floor, but it just seems so wrong. They're babies. You shouldn't put them on the floor.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

One of the unexpected surprises of this project has been the amount of movie sex scenes I've been able to find on the internet. I shouldn't be surprised, because it's sex on the internet, but you can type in, as I did today, [three burials sex scene] and the exact scene you want appears. With the intro you were hoping it'd have. It's magic, the internet.

It will be obvious when you watch this scene, what I like about it. Which is to say, everything. Watch his face. Hers too, but his especially. The real key to this scene is the way the dialogue on the television functions as commentary. And it has a beautiful tie-in later on in the movie, too. Just spectacular.

By the way, if you haven't seen this movie you should. It's kind of epic, in the traditional sense of the word.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A History of Violence

There's a difference between sex scenes that are sex scenes and sex scenes that are part of the film. I'm all for gratuitous ass now and then (speaking of, have you been watching Dexter this season? John Lithgow has a nice butt for an older guy.), but when you can combine the hot and the plot it's usually fantastic.

This scene in A History of Violence is just fabulous. I don't want to spoil anything if (either of) you haven't seen it, but the moment when she stops resisting is a huge turning point in the film, and the fact that he's all Bitch-Ima-take-you-on-the-stairs! is important and this scene plays back onto an earlier sex scene before the conflict happens in a spectacular way. I did not love everything about this movie, but it is of very solid construction.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Igby Goes Down

One of the reasons I've been excited to start unpacking lies in the sad fact that my TV doesn't work yet and my dvd player and dvds are somewhere in the stacks and stacks of boxes in the spare bedroom. That and I still haven't seen any of my coffee machines. I have three. Anyway, that excitement has been doubled after working on today's research because I really, really, want to watch this movie again. This is probably in my top five. Only probably, though. I'm horrible at ranking things.

Anyway, I like this scene because you, as the viewer, are just as surprised as Igby. It's like...I wonder what he's rea...oh! The set-up is great, with him wiping his hands after he touches the condom there is an established mental distance. And the way the scene keeps cutting back to Mimi and Bunny is fantastic. Not to mention the strategic use of red! Plus it's well acted and adds to the twisted family situation in a fun way. Man, I really want to watch this movie again. Damn.

Monday, November 02, 2009

A Clockwork Orange

So, as I said, it's a classic. There's nothing I don't like about this scene...the distance, the soundtrack, the way the women keep getting up and dressing and then disrobing again. The speed keeps it interesting and the writing keeps it funny and fresh, which is kind of unusual for a threesome in what is definitely not a comedy.

Fun fact: this is one of the only movies I own on VHS.

I was going to embed this, but apparently clips from this site autoplay and there's no way to turn that off. So here is a link to the scene in question. Turn up your sound. Not safe for work, unless you work somewhere awesome.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Watchin' Woopie

So for part of NaBloPoMo I'm going to be running through some of my favorite silver-screen sex scenes. This is mostly because I need a theme for guidance. I was going to post one today, but then I thought...hey! introductions count as a post! And since I am swamped with this move thing (ps: am moving into my house tomorrow--it's about time!) I'm just going to keep it simple today.

I should mention that I did say favorite. Not hottest or featuring Kate Winslet or most cinematic. Favorite. And I'm easily amused. So don't be expecting anything too groundbreaking. Although number one is a classic...for sure. I just found a clip of it and it's just as good as I remember it being.