Effective Marketing
Another youtube day today. Ryan Miller posted this on twitter today and it cracked my shit up. I've watched it on a loop all day. I already like Method, but if I didn't, this would have swayed me. It's just spectacular. Scrubby-dubby baby!
Then, I accidentally clicked on someone's username and was transported to their profile, where I found this little gem. I have yet to watch Twilight, but I still think it's awesome. I mean, seriously. They sparkle? No. No, I don't think they do.
And finally, since Andrew is finished with his sad song countdown, this is my favorite sad country song. It didn't fit in the year restrictions, but I never really watched CMT anyway. Please enjoy the complimentary Sims video.
Then, I accidentally clicked on someone's username and was transported to their profile, where I found this little gem. I have yet to watch Twilight, but I still think it's awesome. I mean, seriously. They sparkle? No. No, I don't think they do.
And finally, since Andrew is finished with his sad song countdown, this is my favorite sad country song. It didn't fit in the year restrictions, but I never really watched CMT anyway. Please enjoy the complimentary Sims video.
At 11:20 PM, November 19, 2009 ,
The Wayward E said...
Okay, the "Shiny Suds" thing is AWESOME. I've been playing it on repeat. "Use the loofa! LOOFA! LOOFA!"
Also, yeah, what the hell is in that stuff? If you're interested I've got a book called the Green Beauty Guide which breaks down all the common chemicals used in household cleaners and beauty products. The great thing is that the book actually helps you decide what to buy, rather than just freaking your shit out (if you're me), and it isn't just pushing any one product line.
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