Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The weird thing about being alone--the same thing that kind of got me when I was working at that summer camp--is that I live with myself. And I know how to creep myself out for serious. I'm not sleeping with a gun under my pillow or anything but I do keep the blinds closed and I do appreciate the dog being here. I don't think I really need the fancy security system but it's nice to have some sort of plan in place if someone were to break into my house. But I don't feel unsafe here. I feel fine. More so that I used to when I lived with my parents house, since I can lock my bedroom door, but less than when I lived in the dorms because there's no way in hell you could have broken into that room undetected. But fine. Secure.

Actually, wanna hear something stupid? I slept with my front door unlocked the second night I was here. The bolt lock on the front door is reversed from the other two, so I thought it was locked. But in the morning I turned the locks to go get the mail and found myself locked in. Oops. But knowing I'd slept with the door unlocked made me feel safer, if that makes any sense. Not that I'm going to keep the doors unlocked or anything, but still. I don't live in a bad neighborhood.

But that doesn't mean that weird noises don't make me wonder if there is a serial killer in my basement. Or that I don't get kind of creeped out when the dog starts to bark at the front door. Just that those feelings don't last very long.


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