The End
It didn't occur to me that today was the last day until just a second ago. I feel like I should have something better for the last post. But I got nothin' folks. In an attempt to stop being that person who only talks about her dog, I have stopped talking.
Have you ever bought something you've wanted for a really long time and then immediately regretted it? Because I did on Wednesday. I spent way too much on things I didn't need and now I'm all stuck with them. And so excited! But also ashamed. Actually, I think a lot of my subconscious self-worth is tied to how good a deal I get on things, and while I got a good deal on these it isn't a deal at all because I didn't need them (they're notebooks, and I don't write in the notebooks I have). See how that works? But I'm still pretty stoked about getting them because I always sort of lust after them every time they come out with a new one. And I bought a subscription so now I'll get the next three new ones after this.
Anyway, that's the big turmoil in my life right now. Sucks, huh? I kind of feel like I'm retired, except I don't have any money. That and I'm still expected to go to Jenn's baby showers for the next two weekends. That's a lot of driving. For someone who is crazy. Maybe I can get by with only going to one. Anyway, life is both uneventful and ok. I can't do it forever, but it works for now.
Have you ever bought something you've wanted for a really long time and then immediately regretted it? Because I did on Wednesday. I spent way too much on things I didn't need and now I'm all stuck with them. And so excited! But also ashamed. Actually, I think a lot of my subconscious self-worth is tied to how good a deal I get on things, and while I got a good deal on these it isn't a deal at all because I didn't need them (they're notebooks, and I don't write in the notebooks I have). See how that works? But I'm still pretty stoked about getting them because I always sort of lust after them every time they come out with a new one. And I bought a subscription so now I'll get the next three new ones after this.
Anyway, that's the big turmoil in my life right now. Sucks, huh? I kind of feel like I'm retired, except I don't have any money. That and I'm still expected to go to Jenn's baby showers for the next two weekends. That's a lot of driving. For someone who is crazy. Maybe I can get by with only going to one. Anyway, life is both uneventful and ok. I can't do it forever, but it works for now.
At 1:05 AM, December 01, 2009 ,
Andrew Mills said...
You know, I have to say that one of the things I admire most about you is your ability to find a bargain. Do you get that from your mom or your dad?
You should absolutely see if you can work one baby shower. Make something up about a promising job interview.
And you may be bored in your pseudo-retired state, but at least you're not suicidal yet. If I have more than three or four days off of work, I lose all motivation to do anything and become despondent. I am going to have to work until the day I die.
Have you thought about volunteering or something until you find the right job?
At 9:59 AM, December 03, 2009 ,
The Wayward E said...
My vote is for enjoying your semi-retirement. Work is somewhat validating, but it mostly sucks.
Besides, its kind of sad to need a shitty low-paying job (not that that's what you're looking for, I'm speaking for myself here) to feel like you're doing something productive. Fight it! Remain unemployed!
At 10:04 AM, December 03, 2009 ,
The Wayward E said...
Also, about this new dog thing!
I totally want two dogs (around 30lbs apartment sized), but Beau is autistic and cannot seem to get the hang of dog-on-dog interaction. Other dogs start off friendly, then become perplexed, and eventually decide to hump or step on him.
I don't think that you need another dog for Zuki, though. Get one only because you want one. You and she are a pack now, and dogs spend most of their day sleeping anyway (if Beauregaard is any indication). When you're gone, she's sleeping, and when you're home she can chill with you and get attention. Zuki has a good life, she's a lucky puppy.
Do you let her stay inside when you are away, or does she stay out in the yard? Just curious. When we left Beau with my MIL, it turned out that he knew how to use a dog door. It was the damndest thing, he'd just walk right through it, out into the yard, do his business, and stroll back in. Made me wonder if he was maybe faking some of his difficulty with our coffee table.
At 3:03 PM, December 03, 2009 ,
The Wayward E said...
Oh my goodness, I just read your comment on my post asking about the McDaniel thanksgiving! DAMMIT. It would have totally rocked to have had you at the thanksgiving. Have you ever met Michael Abbott?
I was only able to be there myself for a few hours, I came by after work, and then had to go straight home and pass out in order to reproduce my labor the next day.
We should plan something awesome for Christmas or New Years, if not before. I don't know how busy you are doing Erin-in-TN stuff. If you don't want to come down here, I could definitely drive up to TN to see you when I'm not working!
At 8:12 AM, January 07, 2010 ,
Anonymous said...
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At 8:45 AM, January 30, 2010 ,
Anonymous said...
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At 3:44 PM, February 01, 2010 ,
The Wayward E said...
Dude, you comments have been invaded! It's like your little abandoned blog has started to be covered over with Kudzu. *sniff*
At 5:22 PM, June 20, 2010 ,
oneifbyland said...
so the comment thing should be worked out, hopefully.
oh my gosh, i'm so glad you watched it! the grandparents just have hearts of gold, to still be human. it really is exhausting, right? totally emotionally draining.
i didn't even think of that but you're right. she probably beats herself up and then knows it's not her fault and feels guilty about beating herself up, but can't stop.
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