Jett and Jordan
You might have noticed on Portland Andrew's blog that Theodore died. Theodore was my Betta fish...I got him at the beginning of freshman year. He was a good fish and a great friend--you can read more of an obituary-esque summary at my livejournal. I don't feel like reposting it here, and that post is unlocked anyway.
I was pretty sad about Theodore. Still am, actually, but the empty tank wasn't helping. It's ten gallons, so it's a fairly good size for a dorm room. Looking at that corner of the room and seeing the tank that didn't have Theodore in it was kind of depressing. And I felt like it was kind of a waste to dump all the water out know...the tank was set up.
But I don't think I'm really ready for another fish, and the dorm situation is a little strange because whatever is in the tank needs to be able to come home for break. So what's the obvious answer?

The one that's in proper focus is Jett, and the blurry one towards the front (bottom left corner) is Jordan. They're my snails.
I don't know what kind of snails they are, really, but so far they seem to be having fun. Currently Jett's managed to climb to the top of the little driftwood piece, and Jordan's eating a plant.
Anyway, I'm fairly pleased. And they make Theo's absence a little less apparent, since there's something to watch in the tank now. So, you know, moving on is a good thing. You just have to start off slow.
I was pretty sad about Theodore. Still am, actually, but the empty tank wasn't helping. It's ten gallons, so it's a fairly good size for a dorm room. Looking at that corner of the room and seeing the tank that didn't have Theodore in it was kind of depressing. And I felt like it was kind of a waste to dump all the water out know...the tank was set up.
But I don't think I'm really ready for another fish, and the dorm situation is a little strange because whatever is in the tank needs to be able to come home for break. So what's the obvious answer?

The one that's in proper focus is Jett, and the blurry one towards the front (bottom left corner) is Jordan. They're my snails.
I don't know what kind of snails they are, really, but so far they seem to be having fun. Currently Jett's managed to climb to the top of the little driftwood piece, and Jordan's eating a plant.
Anyway, I'm fairly pleased. And they make Theo's absence a little less apparent, since there's something to watch in the tank now. So, you know, moving on is a good thing. You just have to start off slow.
At 1:07 PM, November 02, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
I didn't mean to steal your thunder with my blog (to the extent you can consider grief resulting from the loss of a loved one 'thunder), by the way. I didn't tell anyone who Theodore was or anything. I just wanted to express solidarity.
I'm sorry he's passed on. : /
He's been there since the beginning of college for you, I guess, and it must be terrible not to have that constant anymore. That "Fire and Rain" song by James Taylor always plays in my head when good pets pass awat. I'm humming it right now.
And I find it heartening that you gave him a burial ceremony. Grandmama would have been proud. : )
The snails look cool, though. Did you get them at the Super Wal-Mart in Duluth as well? What do you feed them?
I miss you.
At 1:40 AM, November 03, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Mmm, Film Studies would be amazing if I weren't already double-majoring and attempting to get a French minor. Sorry about Theodore, but I'm glad you have Jett and Jordan! Yay for fish. :)
At 10:49 AM, November 03, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
Oh, hey!
And I almost forgot.
I've started listening to that Guster album that you put on one of my CDs, and I'm enamored of the song "Dear Valentine", as with the whole album, pretty much.
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