So I'm not avoiding you...
Finals are kicking my ass.
That's not entirely true. I've been kicking some finals ass. But this one tomorrow, man, that's gonna be it. Dead. Gone. Fuck. I hate film.
That's not true, either. See--this is why I don't update: I lie. I did well in French Film History...really well considering I didn't read an entire article all semester. If there's a hell for students, I'm going to it. I mean, I guess I should be proud of it, but it's proud in the way that OJ's proud of killing Nicole and Ron--that kind of shameful but glorious way. It feels pretty good. Just in that shitty way. But I really only feel shitty because the girl who let me (photo)copy her study guides, lent me the book that I didn't read every week (even though I perpetually never read for it), *gave* me the book when she found out she couldn't sell it back, and started on the paper an entire month before I did, got a B. But I guess I shouldn't feel bad about her not getting an A. That's her problem, right?
Yeah. Hell. I know. But I guess if it weren't for that, it'd be for something else. At least I'll have an impressive record when I'm there.
But that's where I've been. I had two term papers due on the first, which is why I didn't record Gobi's concert on the 30th. That and I don't have my camera with me. And I was just a little delirious because I hadn't slept. But the papers, or at least the one, turned out...ok, I thought it sucked, but I got a 95. Which is like...unheard of. Both personally, and in the class. He was pleased. I'm just baffled. But I've been baffled throughout this class. I got an 89 on the midterm having not read anything but Lauren's notes. I got a 95 on a paper that I pulled out of my ass, and passed the final, also having not read. I don't get it. It wasn't an easy class. I think I'm just awesome. That's weird.
There was Herbfest, which was a lot of unnecessary work but a little fun. That took two days out of my life. Three if you factor in the revisions that were due the next day. (A, changed the ending of the brothers' story. Can't decide if I like it or not.)
And this week there are more finals. Horticulture yesterday, which was a joke, and Film History II today. That test is going to kick my ass. So, actually, I'm going to quit wasting time and get to the studying part. Eurgh. I suck. And the fact that things are going well just makes me nervous. It has to balance out somewhere.
That's not entirely true. I've been kicking some finals ass. But this one tomorrow, man, that's gonna be it. Dead. Gone. Fuck. I hate film.
That's not true, either. See--this is why I don't update: I lie. I did well in French Film History...really well considering I didn't read an entire article all semester. If there's a hell for students, I'm going to it. I mean, I guess I should be proud of it, but it's proud in the way that OJ's proud of killing Nicole and Ron--that kind of shameful but glorious way. It feels pretty good. Just in that shitty way. But I really only feel shitty because the girl who let me (photo)copy her study guides, lent me the book that I didn't read every week (even though I perpetually never read for it), *gave* me the book when she found out she couldn't sell it back, and started on the paper an entire month before I did, got a B. But I guess I shouldn't feel bad about her not getting an A. That's her problem, right?
Yeah. Hell. I know. But I guess if it weren't for that, it'd be for something else. At least I'll have an impressive record when I'm there.
But that's where I've been. I had two term papers due on the first, which is why I didn't record Gobi's concert on the 30th. That and I don't have my camera with me. And I was just a little delirious because I hadn't slept. But the papers, or at least the one, turned out...ok, I thought it sucked, but I got a 95. Which is like...unheard of. Both personally, and in the class. He was pleased. I'm just baffled. But I've been baffled throughout this class. I got an 89 on the midterm having not read anything but Lauren's notes. I got a 95 on a paper that I pulled out of my ass, and passed the final, also having not read. I don't get it. It wasn't an easy class. I think I'm just awesome. That's weird.
There was Herbfest, which was a lot of unnecessary work but a little fun. That took two days out of my life. Three if you factor in the revisions that were due the next day. (A, changed the ending of the brothers' story. Can't decide if I like it or not.)
And this week there are more finals. Horticulture yesterday, which was a joke, and Film History II today. That test is going to kick my ass. So, actually, I'm going to quit wasting time and get to the studying part. Eurgh. I suck. And the fact that things are going well just makes me nervous. It has to balance out somewhere.
At 4:01 PM, December 12, 2006 ,
The Wayward E said...
The less I studied for my statistics class, the better I did. It was really spectacular. The ONLY work that I did the entire semester involved scissors and tape--I cut'n'pasted the review problems and their answers onto my one page of notes. Which got pretty hairy there, toward the end. I mean, shit man. That's a lot of fucking review problems for 1 page. Anyway, then I'd show up to the exams and basically work backward through the solutions to the practice problems.
Beyond just feeling like a jerk, the worst part about this technique is that, in the process of solving the problems backwards, I discovered that I actually LIKED statistics.
I'm just too lazy for that to make a difference.
And you shouldn't be surprised that your awesomeness prevails without studying--didn't we play this game ALL THROUGH HIGH-SCHOOL?! I mean, honestly.
Much luv dude. We can chill in hell together, at least.
At 1:15 AM, December 13, 2006 ,
The Wayward E said...
DUDE. You are so right about Oprah. I've been trying to put my finger on what exactly it is that creeps me out about her for years.
Suspiciously nice!
In an interesting side note, W hates her with a passion. He hates her because she's rich and stupid and oddly entitled. Actually, I guess the rich'n'stupid part explains the sense of inalienable entitlement. But anyway. What's interesting about this is that W watches Oprah.
AhHA! And he's never going to find out that I wrote that on the internets, because you are not yet on my link list. His surfing is limited. It's a blessing.
At 10:58 AM, December 13, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
I just checked my email today.
You are so wonderful. I think I'm going to print them all out at work, so I can read them at home at night.
Also, imagining television series that are transparently QAF-derivative constitutes an acceptable reason to not post.\
Lying, however, does not.
So there.
At 5:10 PM, December 14, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
If I ever do get a primetime slot for my crappy TV show, will you be Executive Producer?
"An Andrew Mills original series written by Andrew Mills and produced by Erin Shirey" will one day pretty much be synonomous with "Emmy Power-house". Or perhaps "Emmy Crack-house." We'll just have to see.
At 3:16 AM, December 17, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
YES! This is why I wanted to tell you guys. I don't want to be cliche, but I am set on getting them. I don't really mind what language it's in, but I want it to be a foreign alphabet. Why is Japanese lettering dangerous? Let's talk more about this if you'd like/have any ideas. :)
At 5:56 PM, December 27, 2006 ,
Andrew Mills said...
An update would be lover-ly.
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