New Blogger
Sucks. So does making a resume. Because you know how much work experience I have? Six weeks. Fuck you, UGA career center. You need to offer more advice on how people with interesting experiences can make resumes. And not look like slackers.
At 3:54 PM, February 10, 2007 ,
Andrew Mills said...
Well, I mean, you do have work experience -- just not work you're getting paid for. Lots of the stuff you mention doing for the FRC is stuff I do at my job. Lots of the stuff you mention doing for the FRC is stuff that only senior level people do at my job.
Ditto, StillPoint.
And I'm sure Doug would make a fine reference.
Why are you wanting to get a job? And what kind of job are you looking to get?
And, you know, the Golden Pantry is always hiring. That's one of the few jobs that I've left in good standing, too. So you could list me as a reference.
At 7:35 AM, February 24, 2007 ,
Anonymous said...
Thanks for coming to the fair on Wednesday.
If you truly enjoy subterfuge, my agency has limitless possibilities for you. All they want for an RO is a degree. All they want for an RA is 24 semester hours of accounting.
Get degree, get the RO job, take the accounting classes over the years at night (or from anything that they will accept as accredited), live the good life.
They have openings everywhere, just not everywhere, everytime. But you can put in for a transfer. And while the starting salaries may seem less than exciting, but they have locality pay, which adds a bunch, and they go up fairly rapidly, with an automatic skip one grade after 12 months.
If they hire you, they generally send you off for a month of training, which makes it possible for them to advance a month's per diem to tide you over until the first check is in the bank.
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