Linking your asses off
Told you I would.
First, before we get to the mind-blowing awesome:
This was pretty interesting. It's strange because it reminds me how non-southern I am, even though I'm southern as far as the location of my upbringing is concerned. Also, it brings to light the point that we should probably just flood Texas and extend the ocean. Not to say that nothing good has come out of Texas, but it'd be really fun.
The Dildo Diaries
Second, you might want to sit down. I'm not sure you can handle this much awesome at once. Ready? Here we go.
Ed decided it'd be cool to record a bunch of songs in his bathroom and post them on youtube. And so he did. I won't tell you which songs, you'll just have to see.
My band is the best band in the history of awesome. Yeah.
Each word's a different song. Cause he's that awesome. If I weren't already a hard-core fan, I would be.
Third, these are pretty cool. You should check them out.
Ok, that's all.
First, before we get to the mind-blowing awesome:
This was pretty interesting. It's strange because it reminds me how non-southern I am, even though I'm southern as far as the location of my upbringing is concerned. Also, it brings to light the point that we should probably just flood Texas and extend the ocean. Not to say that nothing good has come out of Texas, but it'd be really fun.
The Dildo Diaries
Second, you might want to sit down. I'm not sure you can handle this much awesome at once. Ready? Here we go.
Ed decided it'd be cool to record a bunch of songs in his bathroom and post them on youtube. And so he did. I won't tell you which songs, you'll just have to see.
My band is the best band in the history of awesome. Yeah.
Each word's a different song. Cause he's that awesome. If I weren't already a hard-core fan, I would be.
Third, these are pretty cool. You should check them out.
Ok, that's all.
At 7:43 AM, March 09, 2007 ,
The Wayward E said...
Okay, SO. Andrew and I will meet you at the Airport. I think that we should take the Max home if the weather isn't too bad, because that way I won't have to drive and you'll get to see the city. The Max lets you off right in the center of downtown Portland, and from there it's a quick bus ride to my house. Sound good? Don't worry about taxis, they're really ridiculously expensive here anyway. And it isn't a very big place--you can get anywhere by bus.
Also, why the hell is your mother looking at my wedding registry? I mean, this is exactly what I was TALKING ABOUT, those judgmental people who expect things. What the hell am I SUPPOSED to put on my registry, may I ask?!? My mother said "house stuff?!" Are cool lamps or are cool lamps NOT "house stuff?" And yeah, my kitchen is totally red. At least it isn't paisley like some people's kitchens.
I don't know anything about fucking kitchens! I don't know what I want in my house! I want to buy my own stuff! I don't understand why people can't get us gift certificates to Barnes and Noble or, like usual!!!
Why the hell is all this stuff so freaking complicated!!!
Sorry. Anxieties. I really think I should just UN-register. I think it was a mistake. I mean, who am I kidding? A wedding registry? Since when the hell do I ever listen to my mother?!
Ah, I'm so excited that you're coming! Dude, only one more day. Then we'll be rocking it in P-Town.
At 9:25 AM, March 09, 2007 ,
The Wayward E said...
Okay, Okay, I'm a total nut. I'm obsessing about this wedding registry thing. I think that I'm developing some sort of allergy. Seriously, I get all itchy when I think about it. You mom was probably being really nice, looking over the registry to suggest presents or something. I'm a total freak, please disregard all my comments. Forgive me?
I mean, I know that your mom doesn't really like me, so my first thought was "AHHH! JUDGMENT! JUDGING! THEY'RE JUDGING ME!!!" And then I jumped up and ran around in circles and bit the ferret. I'm really sorry. I'm going to bed now.
At 9:27 AM, March 09, 2007 ,
The Wayward E said...
PS: Great that you're coming, btw. Can I link your blog to my blog? Is that cool? Because I usually check blogs by clicking through my own links. I'm very E-Centric.
And I'm so excited that you're coming I can't stand it! W is cleaning the house today! I'm going to beat him if he complains!
At 9:28 AM, March 09, 2007 ,
The Wayward E said...
PPS: The ferret is okay, if a little surprised. He just wasn't expecting it, you know?
At 4:37 PM, March 10, 2007 ,
Merrrrde said...
The Dildo Diaries are the best ever.
The Trucker watched it and commented, "So that means it's a felony in Texas for Dick Cheney to slap Newt Gingrich on the back
-- because that would be a pr-ck touching and assh-le...."
Give The Wayward a BD hug for us, since you're there and we're here. Sorry I flamed her, too. (And on her BD, no less. Bad momster. Bad.)
At 10:23 AM, March 22, 2007 ,
The Wayward E said...
Hey, did you know that I've actually MET Molly Ivins? She's really awesome. In PERSON. =)
Miss you, man. My couch feels empty. It's been sniffling in the night.
At 1:00 AM, March 23, 2007 ,
Anonymous said...
Did you by chance get to come to the opera performance last night? I know we haven't talked recently, and I only sent a Facebook invite. I hope you were able to come, but if not, I can get a recording for you if you'd like. Let's do something in early April before E's wedding. I'm swamped and dying now. :(
At 12:35 AM, March 31, 2007 ,
Merrrrde said...
Yow-- RE your post elsewhere link--what was that C fold, 7 fold business? Something tells me that is simply taking the re-cycle, re-use business just too damn far.
At 12:07 AM, April 02, 2007 ,
Anonymous said...
What does that even mean? Also, we need to hang out again before E's wedding. It's been FAR too long.
At 12:07 AM, April 02, 2007 ,
Anonymous said...
P.S. I was also supposed to say that I was sorry for not understanding what you meant. :)
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