Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Friday, November 16, 2007

AIPTO: All About Chemistry (Semisonic)

Who? We’ve talked about Semisonic before. Same dudes. Still cool.
Why it’s awesome: The first thing I like about this album is the title. Because it’s not actually after a song on the's after the chorus of a song on the album. For some reason, I’m really into that. I guess they do it to some extent on all of their major releases. This is a little less edgy than their other albums, but I think it works for them. Most notable occurrence...Carole King guest vocals! You can’t deny the power of Carole King. But here’s the other thing—there’s totally a Joni Mitchell reference on this album that I didn’t catch until I was listening to songs in an attempt to pick one to rec. Apparently they consider her to be an inspiration for their sound. Who knew?
In One Word: Felt
Song Rec: We're going to start with Bed because that's what I was going to give you first, but you get El Matador too, because it's the Joni song.


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