Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Friday, November 23, 2007

AIPTO: Sleepyhead (The Brothers Creeggan)

Who? The Brothers Creeggan is one of my favorite bands, if we're being honest. I walked out of a Kevin Hearn show to see The Brothers Creeggan on Ships and Dip and was heart-broken until I sat down and saw Jim and Andy (and Tyler, who was drumming for them), in the flesh and close to me. It was totally worth it in the end. They just have such a smooth sound--it's something you could listen to at any occasion. The sad thing is that it seems like they've kind of stopped working on stuff, since Jim has BNL (and a family) and Andy has his solo projects (and a family). But there are four very solid CD's in The Brothers Creeggan collection, and that's nothing to sneeze at.
Why it’s awesome: These songs are so simple and perfect and fun and honest. So much about it is the music process and the act of making it. If that sounds like something someone who is very tired would say, it is. The thing is, nothing I could say would adequately describe TBC. It's like being sad--there are so many words for it because nothing really covers it as well as actually feeling it does. If The Brothers Creeggan were a color, it'd be all over my bedroom walls.
In One Word: Ball
Song Rec: Long and Slow


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