Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

AIPTO: Someone to Tell (Ari Hest)

Who? My friend Esther told me about Ari Hest, and I’ve had this CD in my car ever since. I don’t know much about him, although he apparently released a demo album with some of the same songs (Keri had it, but not this one). He’s got a new album out now, I think. The only other thing I know is that he came to Athens last year, but it was a 21+ club and I was not allowed to go. Bummer.
Why it’s awesome: He’s a smooth one, Ari. I picture him as the artsy, brooding boy who brings his guitar on camping trips but only plays when everyone’s off doing their own stuff. His lyrics show a slight disdain/fascination for consumerism—if you read that sentence it sounds like he’s playing with the ideas, but I don’t think he is. I think when he’s trying to make a social statement he pretends to be above the hype, but when he’s really just writing for himself he’s into it. I know that doesn't really answer why he's awesome, but his lyrics are good (just inconsistent in the overall album message) and usually emotionally based. And he has a really pleasant sound. And that’s what does it for me: lyrics and sound. Thus Ari makes the list.
In One Word: Coffee
Song Rec: Aberdeen


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