It's early here, in the figurative sense. I thought last night that it'd be good to get up before my family so I could have the house to myself and look for jobs, but this morning I had a hard time justifying why I couldn't have just stayed up and had the house to myself. I'd be doing the same thing anyway...sitting on my bed, wishing the wireless was stronger.
Japan was great. I realize I fail at blogging that trip. It's funny how I could caption like crazy while I was in Japan, but I haven't been able to muster the energy for the last batch since I got back. It's one of those things, you know, like in Japan there wasn't anything else that I should have been doing, but here there's a million things I could be doing. One of them being playing with my new puppy, whom I have despite my jobless state. She's one of Max and Rhea's puppies, and the parents offered me one, and how could I refuse? Free dogs are hard to come by and this one comes with a membership to Dr. Orr (the cheapest vet around, according to both my father and the guy who bought the first chocolate girl). And she looks like Max and Rhea, which makes me happy. I love those dogs.
Anyway, there are also videos, which I will finish uploading eventually. Some of them are already up, if you want to go snooping, but I'll definitely post them all as soon as I finish.
So that's about it. I miss being in Japan. I haven't bought gas in almost two and a half months (soon to be broken, as I'm planning a trip to Athens this weekend). I don't have a job. And living at home is slowly driving me insane. Oh! But:

That's Zuki.
Japan was great. I realize I fail at blogging that trip. It's funny how I could caption like crazy while I was in Japan, but I haven't been able to muster the energy for the last batch since I got back. It's one of those things, you know, like in Japan there wasn't anything else that I should have been doing, but here there's a million things I could be doing. One of them being playing with my new puppy, whom I have despite my jobless state. She's one of Max and Rhea's puppies, and the parents offered me one, and how could I refuse? Free dogs are hard to come by and this one comes with a membership to Dr. Orr (the cheapest vet around, according to both my father and the guy who bought the first chocolate girl). And she looks like Max and Rhea, which makes me happy. I love those dogs.
Anyway, there are also videos, which I will finish uploading eventually. Some of them are already up, if you want to go snooping, but I'll definitely post them all as soon as I finish.
So that's about it. I miss being in Japan. I haven't bought gas in almost two and a half months (soon to be broken, as I'm planning a trip to Athens this weekend). I don't have a job. And living at home is slowly driving me insane. Oh! But:

That's Zuki.