Greetings from Mississippi! The internet is very wobbly here. Yesterday I tried to post but I couldn't get the computer to cooperate and then Dad took it over for most of the day (we always update my grandfather's computer while we're here). Before I knew it Granddad had gone to bed and I hadn't posted anything. There's no cell signal in the house and we only get one bar outside, so I sat in front of the window and waited for the pages to load to update the blog on Daniel's iPhone. I still think they're too expensive, but it did come in handy. I've gone too far in NaBloPoMo to let lack of internet stop me. So even though yesterday's post sucked it still counts.
The offer on the house was countered, so I countered back. They have until Monday to respond since it's the holidays and all that.
This house has a huge bedroom upstairs for the grandkids--there are four beds. The trouble is Nich uses a cpap machine and when it slides off his faces it makes this awful snore-fart sound. And then one of us (me or Daniel) has to get up and fix it. Fixing snore-farts does not a restful make.
In other news my mother is talking about giving my grandfather weed brownies. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
The offer on the house was countered, so I countered back. They have until Monday to respond since it's the holidays and all that.
This house has a huge bedroom upstairs for the grandkids--there are four beds. The trouble is Nich uses a cpap machine and when it slides off his faces it makes this awful snore-fart sound. And then one of us (me or Daniel) has to get up and fix it. Fixing snore-farts does not a restful make.
In other news my mother is talking about giving my grandfather weed brownies. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
At 1:26 PM, November 28, 2008 ,
Andrew Mills said...
Happy Thanksgiving, indeed.
At 9:35 PM, November 28, 2008 ,
Andrew Mills said...
On second thought, why the hell isn't your mother talking about giving ME weed brownies? It's so hard for me, being gay, you see. I could use a little relief.
Also: you are my only friend who has ever made a counter-offer on anything. That is so fucking cool. Can I touch you, that a little of your glory might spill upon me?
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