I bet you thought I wasn't going to do NaBloPoMo this year. And that was a good assumption, since I haven't updated since July. The problem links back to living with my parents--I am most productive at night, and they turn into pumpkins at 10:00--if I'm not in bed by midnight I get yelled at. So my output has basically been zero since came back from Japan. This is not to say that I haven't done more traveling, because I have. But as far as uploading pictures...we can leave it at the realization that without deadlines I would never have graduated from college. Actually, considering I got the grades I did, I must be goddamn magic. I majored in procrastination with a minor in active laziness.
Sadly, I think a degree in procrastination would probably be more employable than my B.A. in film studies. At least procrastination is a life skill.
Since I posted last my little dog has gained thirty pounds and is now almost as tall as her mother (although she still looks like a miniature version of Max). She's fully registered and vaccinated and stubborn and cute. If they don't already make a card that says, "I like you so much I pee a little every time you come over." they totally should.
I went to Baloonfest in South Carolina to see the Wallflowers. It was a really good show, and Jakob Dylon asked Keri for the words to a song in the middle of the show. It was pretty exciting. I also went to Niagara Falls to see BNL, which I will tell you more about when I have the pictures ready. Oh, and I saw Matt Nathanson in Atlanta earlier this month. His music is good for a sweet-singing guy, but he was great live as far as stage banter goes. He also sang the only song of his I have on my computer at the request of a girl in the front row (it's a kid's song, so I don't think it's something he usually plays).
I also went house-hunting in Chattanooga, but someone bought the house I wanted. So now I'm back to looking again. Hopefully I'll find something this month. I really need to be out of this house.
So that's what's up. I'm currently bogged down in insurances, as I had to buy both car and health insurance this week. Actually, I'm still looking for a good deal on car insurance. This whole finding-your-own-insurance has only led me to the conclusion that insurance companies suck, which means they might be good to work for. Think about it. They're charging you up the ass for the privilege to fight you over weather or not they should pay for something. Like your family, but expensive. I could totally get paid to tell someone I won't pay to fix their car.
More tomorrow. And the rest of the month if I can keep my willpower up. In the meantime, the dogs:

Sadly, I think a degree in procrastination would probably be more employable than my B.A. in film studies. At least procrastination is a life skill.
Since I posted last my little dog has gained thirty pounds and is now almost as tall as her mother (although she still looks like a miniature version of Max). She's fully registered and vaccinated and stubborn and cute. If they don't already make a card that says, "I like you so much I pee a little every time you come over." they totally should.
I went to Baloonfest in South Carolina to see the Wallflowers. It was a really good show, and Jakob Dylon asked Keri for the words to a song in the middle of the show. It was pretty exciting. I also went to Niagara Falls to see BNL, which I will tell you more about when I have the pictures ready. Oh, and I saw Matt Nathanson in Atlanta earlier this month. His music is good for a sweet-singing guy, but he was great live as far as stage banter goes. He also sang the only song of his I have on my computer at the request of a girl in the front row (it's a kid's song, so I don't think it's something he usually plays).
I also went house-hunting in Chattanooga, but someone bought the house I wanted. So now I'm back to looking again. Hopefully I'll find something this month. I really need to be out of this house.
So that's what's up. I'm currently bogged down in insurances, as I had to buy both car and health insurance this week. Actually, I'm still looking for a good deal on car insurance. This whole finding-your-own-insurance has only led me to the conclusion that insurance companies suck, which means they might be good to work for. Think about it. They're charging you up the ass for the privilege to fight you over weather or not they should pay for something. Like your family, but expensive. I could totally get paid to tell someone I won't pay to fix their car.
More tomorrow. And the rest of the month if I can keep my willpower up. In the meantime, the dogs:

At 11:25 AM, November 02, 2008 ,
the queen said...
Sweeeeet puppies!
At 7:03 PM, November 03, 2008 ,
Andrew Mills said...
Seeing that you'd updated just now made me gasp, which made the dude who was stationed next to me (I'm using a work computer) give me a dirty look. Ass.
That is an extrordinary picture. How did you manage to make that happen? I am so proud to know you right now.
And are you house-hunting exclusively in Chattanooga?
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