I. The thing with the biscuit in in was an apple sundae, witch is partially why I wasn't going to get it--not a huge fan of apples in desserts. However, I am a big fan of bread in desserts (except for bread pudding--weird) so this one turned out to be a winner. And cheap to boot.
II. We do trivia at a restaurant, not a bar. And we don't have a normal place because our normal place closed. So now we're experimenting.
III. The mice in the house are already dead, (un)fortunately. I like mice, but I don't think I'd want them in the house. But the fact that the dead ones are in the house and making it smell works in our favor. Still, it's sad to see them go.
IV. The possible dead guy is a plus for us too. The agent speculates that the lady's husband died in the house, which is why she's not living in it now (she apparently moved out very quickly). So the house is sitting empty and she's hoping for enough money to move home. I hate to be all "Yay! Let's benefit from her sadness!" but a good deal on the house would make my life considerably better.
V. I actually don't care for those traffic accident memorials at all. It's like, for some reason, dying on the side of the road warrants a wreath/cross/whatever but dying anywhere else doesn't. I get that you're sad, but I bet you're going to remember where the accident happened anyway. There's no need to put a marker there.
VI. Alien House: There's a three bedroom, two bathroom house in Chattanooga that looks like a spaceship. Not kidding at all. The front steps were even retractable at one point. I really wish this house was in my price-range and on the market, even if it is on the mountain.
VII. Alien Cars: Tennessee has this traffic accident response team of trucks that are neon green and have various sizes and functions. All of them have light boards that fold up and down on top. They move synchronously and block traffic while one of them goes to help the damaged car. It was a really cool thing to watch, despite the fact that it made me late.
VIII. I feel like this posts lacks anything interesting but my fingers are really cold and I don't have much else to say. That's what NaBloPoMo is about: writing when you have nothing to say.
II. We do trivia at a restaurant, not a bar. And we don't have a normal place because our normal place closed. So now we're experimenting.
III. The mice in the house are already dead, (un)fortunately. I like mice, but I don't think I'd want them in the house. But the fact that the dead ones are in the house and making it smell works in our favor. Still, it's sad to see them go.
IV. The possible dead guy is a plus for us too. The agent speculates that the lady's husband died in the house, which is why she's not living in it now (she apparently moved out very quickly). So the house is sitting empty and she's hoping for enough money to move home. I hate to be all "Yay! Let's benefit from her sadness!" but a good deal on the house would make my life considerably better.
V. I actually don't care for those traffic accident memorials at all. It's like, for some reason, dying on the side of the road warrants a wreath/cross/whatever but dying anywhere else doesn't. I get that you're sad, but I bet you're going to remember where the accident happened anyway. There's no need to put a marker there.
VI. Alien House: There's a three bedroom, two bathroom house in Chattanooga that looks like a spaceship. Not kidding at all. The front steps were even retractable at one point. I really wish this house was in my price-range and on the market, even if it is on the mountain.
VII. Alien Cars: Tennessee has this traffic accident response team of trucks that are neon green and have various sizes and functions. All of them have light boards that fold up and down on top. They move synchronously and block traffic while one of them goes to help the damaged car. It was a really cool thing to watch, despite the fact that it made me late.
VIII. I feel like this posts lacks anything interesting but my fingers are really cold and I don't have much else to say. That's what NaBloPoMo is about: writing when you have nothing to say.
At 7:06 AM, November 21, 2008 ,
Dude, that's VERY interesting! Alien houses and cars? Anything moving in sync is awesome to see. And I definitely agree with you about the roadside memorials. They're really tacky. Do you know if that's a Southern thing, or do they exist other places around the country?
At 10:30 AM, November 21, 2008 ,
Andrew Mills said...
Wait, but why don't you want to live on the Mountain? (This is an excellent example of why it's a good thing that I'm not helping you house-hunt.)
And the fact that you're bidding on a house is extremely exciting.
And the fact that you seem to know how to negotiate a good deal for yourself is even more exciting.
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