Update 1: LittleDog (who actually weighs 56 pounds) is back from the vet and doing well. She won't let me out of her sight which the guilty part of me attributes to the fact that the last time she did that they knocked her out and she woke up both in a cage and missing an organ. The logical part of me says that she probably knows she's supposed to follow me around now since she's almost always on a leash when she's inside.
Update 2: So the house thing went like this:
Listing price: 105,000
First offer: 70,000
First Counter: 100,000
Second Counter: 75,000
Third Counter: 97,000
This is where I was when I told you Monday about countering her counter-counter-counter offer. I wasn't sure if I should bluff and offer 75,000 again, raise a little more or just show my cards and say, "Look, this is what I can pay." I decided to offer 77,000, figuring she'd counter back at 95,000 and then I'd just tell it like it is.
She showed her cards. She can't take any less than $90,000. So I'm thinking about it. On one hand, that's about $50 a square foot, which is awesome for that area. And if I got a 30 year (fixed rate) mortgage at 6% with 5% down the payments would be right at $500 a month which would be really reasonable. But the yard is small and it needs some work and $90,000 is really more than I wanted to pay. But it's a really nice house. And I like that it has a basement. I don't know. Something to think about.
So that's the news. Oh also, my dentist sucks.
Update 2: So the house thing went like this:
Listing price: 105,000
First offer: 70,000
First Counter: 100,000
Second Counter: 75,000
Third Counter: 97,000
This is where I was when I told you Monday about countering her counter-counter-counter offer. I wasn't sure if I should bluff and offer 75,000 again, raise a little more or just show my cards and say, "Look, this is what I can pay." I decided to offer 77,000, figuring she'd counter back at 95,000 and then I'd just tell it like it is.
She showed her cards. She can't take any less than $90,000. So I'm thinking about it. On one hand, that's about $50 a square foot, which is awesome for that area. And if I got a 30 year (fixed rate) mortgage at 6% with 5% down the payments would be right at $500 a month which would be really reasonable. But the yard is small and it needs some work and $90,000 is really more than I wanted to pay. But it's a really nice house. And I like that it has a basement. I don't know. Something to think about.
So that's the news. Oh also, my dentist sucks.
At 2:55 AM, December 04, 2008 ,
The Wayward E said...
You have many weighty options to weigh. I think that sounds like a spectacular deal on a neat house, but then I was overjoyed to find a slumlord in Portland willing to rent to me and my little menagerie at all. My standards might be a bit low at this point. Although, the whole $700 deposit/irredeemable fee thing does cast that deal in a somewhat more pallid light. Fucking carpets.
What's happened to your teeth?
At 2:59 AM, December 04, 2008 ,
The Wayward E said...
Your dog sounds sweet. We should arrange for her and The Beaure to meet, so that he can be really inexplicably rude to her using only lame-dog body language and snuffles. I don't know how he does it.
He bit the cat yesterday. One minute Edgar was gently licking his ears (Grooming the ReluctantRegard is an established kitty pastime these days) and the next Beau's little sightless eyes went all wide and crazy. Then he bit (gummed) Edgar in the head. The cat was surprised.
At 9:11 AM, December 04, 2008 ,
the queen said...
You listened to NPR this morning right? About how the govt was discussing lowering interest rate for home buyers to some 50 year low?
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