Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Monday, December 24, 2007


So I told my parents about the cruise. Dad found out back during Thanksgiving break and didn't have a problem with it. Mom found out a few days ago and hasn't done anything crazy, but isn't pleased. She's worried about me driving all the way down to Miami and getting on the boat and cruises aren't safe and all the things my mom worries about. Then Dad started freaking out, not about the cruise, but about missing a week of school. He's not satisfied with my, "I'll handle it" attitude. He wants a plan now.

These fears would be very easily answered by, "I managed it last time." But they don't know about last time. know what? They weren't bothered by last time. No worries. No hesitation. No freaking out because...omg!what if Erin doesn't graduate on time?! It will ruin all the plans...oh, wait...there aren't any plans.

The problem is that their trust in me is put in the wrong areas. As it stands, they trust me to be at school and to respect their authority. They don't trust me to be independent outside of the dorm setting or drive more than thirty minutes (seriously, I had to take Dad's GPS with me to go to Marietta). But the only way to counter this argument is to tell them of the trips I've taken without mentioning. Greenville, Erskine, Asheville...Ft. Lauderdale. And I'm not that stupid.

Thankfully, my mom's answer to all of this is not talking about it. I can dig that.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I. I'm finished. One semester left, and then I'm done for good. Crazy, huh? That's, you know, banking on my passing Film Theory. But I think I may have actually managed that.

II. My Wisconsin app is due tomorrow. Well, Saturday, but I don't want to be that much of a slacker.

III. I'm in one of those phases right now where everything I've ever written feels like absolute crap. I know that this is a phase, so I'm not going to scrap the applying to grad school idea. But still, guys. What am I doing?

IV. It's a transposase, the thing that I have in Genbank. For something in the hAT superfamily. It's the best superfamily there is.

V. There is little wrong with my world that Steven Page, Joe Pisapia, or their respective bands can't soothe. My back is killing me, but if Joe says it feels like evergreen then, damn it, it feels like evergreen. I'm not joking.

VI. I should be working on my apps. Alas, I blog instead. Because everything I've written is crap.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Go here.

Look at the first author. That's totally me. Oh yeah.

Monday, December 03, 2007


There's something inherently depressing about deciding which activities you do on a daily basis are important enough to list on a single sheet that will stand to represent your life. I don't know. It's like four years of college have culminated to amount to one page of action-verb statements of my responsibilities.

I'll tell you, it makes me feel like I haven't done anything at all. Very little, at least. I've done the FRC and Stillpoint. That's about it. That's my last four years. Oh, and school. My oh-so-exciting 3.62 and top-fifteen-percent-of-students status. I feel like I should be a lot more proud of that, but honestly...I've come to resent to grading system more than I appreciate it. I don't think classes should be about numbers. Classes should be about writing a play or creating a 3D, animated juggling robot, or developing a thorough working knowledge of semiotics. Can I put that on my resume?

I'm just bitter about this whole application process. I guess it's good that I'm not 100% sold on the grad school idea. There are lots of other things I want to be. Mostly just not living at home, I suppose, which is easy enough to accomplish. Grad school sounds awesome--don't get me wrong. But it isn't the only thing on the list, which I think puts me ahead of all the pre-med kids in overall happiness potential.

And that is the ultimate goal: to be content. To be able to travel sometimes, and go to concerts when good ones are happening. To have a place that is mine and have time to read and write and listen to music and drive. Those is my resume objectives. Hire me.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

It's December

It feels weird to not update. And when I read this on The Queen's blog, I kind of wanted to do it, and then Andrew (the one who didn't tell me about any of his performances this year) posted a meme on his blog and I figured I might as well. Here we go.

Seven Random Things (about me).

1. I own three coffee makers (all different) and an espresso machine. I don't drink coffee every day.

2. I really enjoy giving blood. I've given blood three times this year, and plan to give blood again in a week and a half.

3. I'm considerably more upset than I should be that my mom isn't making her peppermint candy this year. Every time I think about it I feel like crying, and I don't even really like the stuff that much.

4. Sometimes I stomp my foot on the floor while I'm sitting at my desk, kind of like a horse kicks the ground. I don't usually realize I'm doing it until I've done it.

5. Although I like all the shows I watch on TV, I kind of hope one of them gets canceled so I can stop watching.

6. I don't think any of my secrets are interesting enough to make it onto the PostSecret site.

7. All things being equal, I prefer tuna salad made with honey mustard over mayo.

I tag Emily, not because she hasn't update in over a month but because she's coming in less than a week.