Somewhere Else

You know how it is with the traveling type. We're never really anywhere for long.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

If We Make it Through December

Sorry I dropped off this past week. Consumed by apathy, as it goes. Also holidays. Anyway, I always start listening to this when the cold weather hits. Gotta love classic country.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I See A Darkness

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Picture Picture

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Set In Motion

I don't know if I've shared this song with you before, but I can't stop listening to it.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I Told You So

I apologize. But if we're being honest...I love how she sings the chorus.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fuck You

I know this song is way old news, but it's a great song to wake up to.

Cee Lo Green "Fuck You"
Uploaded by Push36. - Explore more music videos.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

YouTube Wednesday, Sheep Edition

That's hardcore.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Erase Me

Monday, November 22, 2010

Georgia (Cover by Band of Horses)

You can't embed this one, so you must click through.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tennesse Me

I was thinking that I should explain why I'm obsessed with them, but I don't think I will. I'm not really good at talking about music. So just listen to them.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Mini-series

Songs I've been unreasonably obsessed with. Not enough to buy them. Just enough to play them over and over and over. My life is so boring.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Discussion question:

Is the money I save by keeping my house at 65 degrees worth the personal inactivity due to it being too cold to get out of bed?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

I love Craig Ferguson. Its true...I can't help it. His show is consistently funny and it doesn't take itself too seriously. I mean, shit, he has a robot skeleton sidekick. But Craig is someone I'll watch if I'm awake and I try not to rearrange my life for. Because if it's between getting up and going to the park and staying up and watching an hour of awesome, I should pick the park, right? Carpe diem, and all that?

Except sometimes I don't. Because you just have to leave the day where it is and watch some more Craigyferg.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So House used to be about a curmudgeonly doctor that was addicted to pain meds. And it was fun because you understood House but no one else did. But now his team understands him and how he works and he's not addicted to pills anymore and everything is weird. Not bad, indeed, last week's episode* introduced a new character that has a lot of potential, but the past season or so has been kind of lame. To the point that I wait a while to watch the episodes I've missed. Part of that is it's an hour long and my attention span is short. Part of that is it's been a long time and the show is about ready to be wrapped up. There is a point at which things need to end.

*Since I have to watch things online I stay a week behind as per hulu's availability for House.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Big Bang Theory

Nerd comedy. Theme by BNL. That's all you need, really. You should be watching this show if you're not. Jim Parsons is amazing.

This is one of the first shows that I watched an episode and then watched that same episode again (both times on a plane) and it was still funny. It's just a hoot.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

30 Rock

30 Rock is a show about a comedy on NBC. Very Meta. It used to be well-written and fun but in the last season or so it's less funny than it used to be. I don't have any evidence to back that up, but that's how I feel. It's still fun, because it's ridiculous, but it seems like they're having trouble coming up with new episodes. Also, Alec Baldwin bothers me. Also, I love Kenneth's character despite the weird Stone Mountain thing they do for him (Stone Mountain isn't really hicky at all). Also, I like to say also. God, when you look at it too long it looks so awkward. Also. Also. Also.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mid-series freakout

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you a special over-thinking edition of Somewhere Else. Or, we were going to, until I went and over-over-thought everything. Basically I've been tapped for a promotion at work and it'd be pushing a vegetarian agenda on my coworkers and customers. Which is cool, since I am vegetarian, but I have qualms about 1. being the night bakery manager three nights a week and being the healthy eating person the other two and 2. being a fat person whose job it is to teach people about eating right. But I think 1. is more hilariously ironic and 2. is more me trying to talk myself out of it. I don't know. But I'm all freaked out either way, because the store manager came to talk to me specifically about it and she never talks to me about anything. And I think my direct boss would hate having me move to part time. I don't know.

I guess it all depends on the money.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Mentalist

The Mentalist is sort of the last on my list of shows. Well, that and House. If I were going to kick a show off it'd probably be The Mentalist. But the back story is cool and the shows are clever and Simon Baker is really pretty. It's one of the only shows that I actively watch (rather than have on while I do something else) and most of the time I find whatever crime they're solving interesting. Plus it's super cool that the main character is so damaged and vengeful. It loses points for being an hour-long show though. My attention span is limited.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Modern Family

Modern Family is a hoot. Think of Arrested Development, in that it is focused on family groups and it's tightly-written, but then don't think too much because (1) Arrested Development is a masterpiece and (2) Modern Family relies on more realism than AD did. But that's not to say that Modern Family isn't excellent. Every character is likable and easy to relate to (I would love to not tell my family I was adopting until after I had obtained the baby). Sometimes they go a little over-the-limit on the loving family thing, but it's usually adequately funny in the rest of the episode to make up for it (I don't like my comedies to be mushy).

How's that for battery!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

YouTube Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I like Glee because it's really stupid. In much the same way that I liked Desperate Housewives for the two years I watched it, I like seeing the plots because I'm sure I could do better. Not with the singing and dancing stuff--that part is awesome--but with the plots outside of the singing. The cheap writing is really fun, though, almost to a disadvantage of shows that hope for continuity. It's basically like a kids show for adults*. But who doesn't like choreographed song and dance numbers performed by teenagers? It's a fun show. `

*Which is why it's so bothersome when they do serious stuff.

Monday, November 08, 2010

How I Met Your Mother

I did not start watching HIMYM when it first came on, but Daniel gave me the first three seasons (pirated, of course) and I couldn't refuse. It's a pretty clever show with an excellent cast (Jason Segel is on my list, for sure). If you've never seen it, it's centered around Ted's journey to meeting the mother of his children, whom we see in the opening* of some episodes, but it has some just-on-the-edge-of-ridiculous episode plots that are fantastic. And that's the distinction, I think. Where most sitcoms on the air today are a re-hashing of another sitcom**, you have to look for episode quality, and I think HIMYM hits the mark pretty consistently--it's blend of plausable-but-not-realistic matches the frame-story aspect quite well.

Watch this if you want a taste of how crazy awesome the show is.

*Where older-Ted is voiced by Bob Saget. Once they accomplish the meeting-your-mother aspect I'd like to see the follow-up series of How I Became Bob Saget.

**HIMYM is essentially Friends without Phoebe.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


We'll start with Dexter because it comes on on Sunday and today is Sunday. Logic. I didn't start watching Dexter when it first aired, but I think I watched the first three seasons in less than three days. Dexter is, of course, about a serial killer that murders murderers. But what I like about it, particularly in comparison to the other tv dramas I've seen, is that it surprises me. I'm not saying that I've never seen anything coming in this show, but there are times when you think you know where things are going and they go somewhere else entirely. I love that.

Dexter has a fun pattern of the even-numbered seasons being much more exciting than the odd-numbered seasons, which is why it's a bit eh this year (Season 5). It feels like something's brewing for sure, but with the midpoint of the season airing today, it seems like there should be more up-front conflict. Season two was my favorite, though. The whole thing was very edge-of-your-seat.

Fun fact: even though there isn't anyone I really hate in the characters, there isn't anyone that I would really miss if they died (excluding the baby, but I doubt they'd go there).

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Andrew had a great idea for a mini-theme, mini being due to the lack of subject matter, but I am prepared to talk about the TV shows I actively follow. The trick is, there's only nine of them because I work nights and I feel like I should do more on my off time than sit in front of the computer. So I decided to limit myself to six hours of TV a week, not including CraigyFerg, which makes my list pretty slim. But when I'm not watching TV for the brain-autopilot option I find myself seeking out only shows that really amuse me.

I'm totally phoning this NaBloPoMo thing in this year, so maybe a theme will help me. I doubt it.

No More Hotdogs was fantastic, though.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Thursday, November 04, 2010


I apologize for our first YouTube Wednesday. I was really tired and I wanted to go to sleep, and it was the only youtube window I had open. Also, I mean, don't you love cokeheads?

This week has gone by really fast, which is cool because I have Saturday and Sunday off again. May be going to a party tomorrow, but I'm always kind of unenthusiastic about parties. So I don't know.

In other news, I'm really, really cold. But I don't want to turn the heat on because gas costs money. It sucks, this paying your own bills thing.

That's all I have right now. I'm freezing. That's all I can think about.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ross's Landing

She should call the police. That was the thing to do, right? You call and you say, "It looks like there's a shoe in the river with a leg still attached." Except it didn't look like there was a shoe in the river with a leg still attached. There was one, now half in the water and half on the bank. And if she put it in her backpack it would get all her stuff wet.

But when would she have another chance to acquire a leg so easily? And who has time to wait on the police?

(Notes would be appreciated.)

Monday, November 01, 2010


So the last time I posted here was the end of last November. Pretty shitty, I suppose. But what can I say? I have priorities and the blog is not one. Writing is not one, nowadays. I don't have a particular place in the house to write and I never feel particularly motivated to sit down and hammer anything out.

I work retail, at a grocery store. I love it so much it's almost embarrassing, but I love it because my coworkers are great and because I'm really good at it. I do feel like I'm sort of wasting my awesome, selling liquid to rich people. But I do feel like it's where I'm supposed to be right now. And Chattanooga is really awesome. Except for all the southern people. But the city is just gorgeous. Especially because there's a proper fall, and I've enjoyed the crap out of walking the dog downtown every night in the perfect autumn air.

So that's it. Maybe I'll think of a theme. Maybe I won't. Whatever.